Generic Deep Geothermal Project Plan “BVEG Leistungsspektrum“ - BVEG
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Tiefe Geothermie | 7. Oktober 2022

Generic Deep Geothermal Project Plan “BVEG Leistungsspektrum“

In the course of the current discussion on how we as a society want to implement the energy transition, deep geothermal energy is getting a lot of interest again in Germany. BVEG has created a detailed generic project plan for deep geothermal projects. The generic project plan “BVEG Leistungsspektrum” in all its detail – including partial steps including their crucial aspects and related ressources as well as project step timing - is available in German online at This document serves solely as an overview.

The Leistungsspektrum is intended to help those interested in deep geothermal projects to plan and implement the necessary steps in a timely manner.

It is therefore primarily aimed at the following players:

  • Potential operators and investors | as a detailed planning aid and also for risk evaluation
  • Municipalities & authorities | for a better understanding of processes and stakeholders
  • Service companies (for drilling, plant construction, etc…) | for business expansion opportunities
  • Research institutes | for a deeper understanding of the necessary processes
  • E&P companies | e.g. regarding after-use of abandoned oil & gas wells
Phases of a hydrothermal deep geothermal project © BVEG

This guideline is intended to serve as a reference and merely presents a framework that still requires adaption for individual projects. It has been developed for a low-enthalpy, deep hydrothermal project in Germany, i.e. a heating or power plant project with several, 400 to several thousand meter deep boreholes. Similar applications such as heat storage or deep borehole heat exchangers and also the consumer side (e.g. district heating networks) are not considered here.


Overview of steps of a deep geothermal project © BVEG


Further information:

Leistungsspektrum Geothermie

Im Zuge der aktuellen Diskussion, wie wir als Gesellschaft die Energiewende umsetzen wollen, bekommt die Tiefengeothermie wieder viel Interesse. Das hier vorgestellte Leistungsspektrum Geothermie soll Interessierten von Tiefengeothermieprojekten helfen, die notwendigen Schritte fristgerecht zu planen und umzusetzen.


Ingo Forstner

Leiter Speicher & Geothermie
Schiffgraben 47
30175 Hannover
T +49 511 12172-37